Hana Dusíková

  • chair of Czech NB in the ISO C++ committee
  • chair of the Reflection Study Group
  • author of the Compile Time Regular Expressions (CTRE) library
  • staff scientist at Gen (former Avast + NortonLifeLock)

about the code examples

  • C++23 (it made the code cool and shortish)
  • it's still slideware
  • a lot won't be presented (supporting code, dependencies, ...)
  • all the code is in the namespace luna::
  • I'm using Fira Code font with ligatures (>= vs =>, != vs !=)
"I need to update an object
on 100s of millions of clients
quickly and whenever I want."

Lightning Updates

Meeting C++ 2022

what's typically updated in an application?

  • an executable
  • resources (database, models, textures)
  • the state of an application or part of it

the state of an application should be...

  • immutable
  • consistent and secure
  • representable with a data-structure

							std::map<std::string, std::string> database{};
							void my_task() {
								// do something with database
							void update_database() {
								// somehow update

updating mechanisms

  • replace everything
  • additional (or overlay)
  • differential (applying patches)

staten+1 = staten + difference(n, n+1)

difference(x,y) is a cell in a matrix of states

an update graph

how do you represent the link between states?

  • a filename with a version number or name of the release
  • identifier of its content... a hash of the content

hash value ↔︎ pointer

  • a unique value for its content
  • content addressable
  • it makes data immutable
  • easy to cache
  • gives you transitive trust (a → b → c)

various graph nodes

subjectB = unpack(snapshotB)
subjectE = subjectB + Δ(B,C) + Δ(C,E)
subjectE = unpack(snapshotB) + Δ(B,C) + Δ(C,E)

obtaining subject

model of the graph
with vocabulary types

nouns (values)

a hash is just a bunch of bytes

							template <size_t N> using hash = std::array<std::byte, N>;
							template <size_t N> using hash_view = std::span<const std::byte, N>;

strong typing (proxy)

							template <size_t N> struct hash {
								std::array<std::byte, N> value{};
								// constructors
								hash() = default;
								hash(const hash &) = default;
								hash(hash &&) = default;
								explicit hash(std::array<std::byte, N> in) noexcept: value{in} { }
								// comparison
								friend auto operator<=>(hash, hash) = default;
								friend bool operator==(hash, hash) = default;
								// const iterable
								auto begin() const noexcept {
									return value.begin();
								auto end() const noexcept {
									return value.end();
								// non-const iterable
								auto begin() noexcept {
									return value.begin();
								auto end() noexcept {
									return value.end();
								// and many more...
							template <size_t N> struct hash_view {
								std::span<const std::byte, N> value;
								// constructors
								hash_view() = delete;
								hash_view(const hash_view &) = default;
								hash_view(hash_view &&) = default;
								explicit hash_view(std::array<std::byte, N> in) noexcept: value{in} { }
								// comparison
								friend auto operator<=>(hash_view lhs, hash_view rhs) {
									return std::ranges::lexicographical_compare_three_way(lhs, rhs);
								friend bool operator==(hash_view lhs, hash_view rhs) {
									return std::ranges::equal(lhs, rhs);
								// make it iterable
								auto begin() const noexcept {
									return value.begin();
								auto end() const noexcept {
									return value.end();
								// and many more...

strong typing (with inheritance)

							// generic non-semantical hash & view
							template <size_t N> struct hash: std::array<std::byte, N> {
								// this is totally fine as long as you don't 
								// define a destructor or add a data member
								using super = std::array<std::byte, N>
								using super::super;
								explicit(true) hash(hash_view<N> orig): super{orig | std::ranges::to<super>} { }
							template <size_t N> struct hash_view: std::span<const std::byte, N> {
								using super = std::span<const std::byte, N>
								using super::super;
								explicit(false) hash_view(const hash<N> & orig): super{orig} { }
								// thanks Tony :)
								friend auto operator<=>(hash_view lhs, hash_view rhs) {
									// soon we will get it
									return std::ranges::lexicographical_compare_three_way(lhs, rhs);
								friend bool operator==(hash_view lhs, hash_view rhs) {
									return std::ranges::equal(lhs, rhs);
							// tagged hash & view
							template<typename Tag> struct tagged_hash: hash<Tag::length> {
								using super = hash<Tag::length>
								using super::super;
								using tag = Tag;
								explicit(true) tagged_hash(tagged_hash_view<N> orig): super{orig} { }
							template<typename Tag> struct tagged_hash_view: hash_view<Tag::length> {
								using super = hash_view<Tag::length>
								using super::super;
								using tag = Tag;
								explicit(false) tagged_hash_view(const tagged_hash<N> & orig): super{orig} { }
							// tags for various crypto hashes
							namespace crypto {
								struct sha1 {
									static constexpr size_t length = 16;
								struct sha256 {
									static constexpr size_t length = 32;
							// specific tagged hash & value types
							using sha1 = tagged_hash<crypto::sha1>;
							using sha1_view = tagged_hash<crypto::sha1>;
							using sha256 = tagged_hash_view<crypto::sha256>;
							using sha256_view = tagged_hash_view<crypto::sha256>;

implicit explicit conversion rules for various hash types

transitive conversions are also possible
"Strong types create strong code."
— Tony van Eerd

metadata type

						struct metadata {
							// description of subject
							luna::hash subject_hash;
							// info about the graph
							luna::hash color;
							std::chrono::utc_seconds ts;

							// links together
							std::vector<delta_link> delta_links;
							std::optional<luna::hash> snapshot_hash;
							// info about serialized state
							luna::hash hash;
							std::optional<std::vector<std::byte>> bytes{std::nullopt};
						struct delta_link {
							std::chrono:utc_seconds previous_ts;
							luna::hash delta_hash;
							unsigned distance_to_snapshot;
							// to keep links sorted and comparable
							friend auto operator<=>(const delta_link & lhs, const delta_link & rhs) = default;
							friend bool operator==(const delta_link & lhs, const delta_link & rhs) = default;

delta Δ(A,B) & snapshot(A) types

						struct delta {
							luna::metadata previous_metadata;
							std::vector<std::byte> patch;
						struct snapshot {
							std::vector<std::byte> content;

identifier of an object

						template <typename Tag> struct identifier {
							luna::tagged_hash<Tag> hash;
							luna::type type;
							friend bool operator==(const identifier & id, luna::type type) {
								return id.type == type;
							friend auto operator/(std::string_view lhs, const identifier & id) {
								// get URL of the object:
								// "https://somewhere" / id => "https://somewhere/aabbccdd.metadata"
								return concat(lhs, "/", hexdec_encode(id.hash), extension_of(id.type));
						enum class type {
							alias // uh oh?

graph with aliases


it's a copy of a metadata stored under a name (eg. "latest")

and not the hash of the content (as other objects)

or it can be a hash of its name (eg. hash("latest") = "eb791cf3...")

(you can change CDN or webserver caching rules based on the file extension)

						auto object = deserialize(bytes); // ?!

an object

							struct any_object: std::variant<metadata, delta, snapshot> {
								using super = std::variant<metadata, delta, snapshot>;
								using super::super;
								// I know... but these are here for a reason
								auto * get_metadata(this auto && self) noexcept {
									return std::get_if<metadata>(&self);
								auto * get_delta(this auto && self) noexcept {
									return std::get_if<delta>(&self);
								auto * get_snapshot(this auto && self) noexcept {
									return std::get_if<snapshot>(&self);

wrapper binary object

							message wrapper {
							  required type object_type: 0;
							  optional bytes metadata: 1;
							  optional bytes patch: 2;
							  optional bytes snapshot: 3;
							  optional bytes signature: 4;

verbs (functions, algorithms)

unwrapping and validating graph object

							auto unwrap_and_validate(luna::identifier id, std::span<const std::byte> content)
							-> any_object {
								// works over span, cheap to do
								const auto wrap = pb::deserialize<wrapper>(content);
								if (wrap.type == type::metadata and wrap.has_metadata() and wrap.has_signature()) {
									return validate_metadata(id, wrap.metadata(), wrap.signature(), content);
								} else if (wrap.type == type::delta and wrap.has_metadata() and wrap.has_patch()) {
									return validate_delta(id, wrap.metadata(), wrap.patch());
								} else if (wrap.type == type::snapshot and wrap.has_snapshot()) {
									return validate_snapshot(id, wrap.snapshot());
								throw invalid_object{};

validating & building metadata

							auto validate_metadata(identifier id, std::span<const std::byte> content,
							std::span<const std::byte> signature, std::span<const std::byte> wrapper) -> metadata {
								if (id != type::metadata and id != type::alias) {
									throw asked_for_different_object_type{};
								const auto hash = crypto::calculate<hash>(content);
								// check only if we asked for metadata (not alias)
								if (id == type::metadata and hash != id.hash) {
									throw not_matching_checksum_of_object{};
								// if metadata are not part of delta...
								if (not crypto::validate_signature(trusted_keys, hash, signature)) {
									throw invalid_signature_of_metadata{};
								auto result = pb::deserialize<metadata>(content);
								// add info about serialized state
								result.hash = hash;
								result.original_bytes = *wrapper | std::ranges::to<std::vector<std::byte>>;
								return result;

validating & building delta

							auto validate_delta(identifier id, std::span<const std::byte> metadata_bytes,
							std::span<const std::byte> patch_bytes) -> delta {
								if (id != type::delta) {
									throw asked_for_different_object_type{};
								const auto hash = crypto::calculate<hash>(metadata_bytes, patch_bytes);
								if (hash != id.hash) {
									throw not_matching_checksum_of_object{};
								// parse metadata and add its hash (to identify the state)
								auto metadata = pb::deserialize<metadata>(metadata_bytes);
								metadata.hash = crypto::calculate<hash>(metadata_bytes);
								return delta{
									.previous_metadata = std::move(metadata),
									.patch = patch_bytes | std::ranges::to<std::vector<std::byte>>;

validating & building snapshot

							auto validate_snapshot(identifier id, std::span<const std::byte> content) -> snapshot {
								if (id != type::snapshot) {
									throw asked_for_different_object_type{};
								const auto hash = crypto::calculate<hash>(content);
								if (hash != id.hash) {
									throw not_matching_checksum_of_object{};
								return snapshot{content | std::ranges::to<std::vector<std::byte>>};

update algorithms

relationship between the graph representation and memory ownership

state type

							struct state {
								const luna::metadata metadata;
								std::shared_ptr<const T> subject; // can be shared
								// shortcuts to access metadata 
								auto get_hash() const noexcept -> luna::hash;
								auto get_color() const noexcept -> luna::hash;
								auto get_ts() const noexcept -> std::chrono::utc_seconds;

std::shared_ptr<const T>

  • can't form a cycle → it won't leak
  • behaves as an immutable value → no need for locking
  • saves memory (we can deal with large objects)

selecting next step from a metadata node

							auto select_next(const metadata & md, std::shared_ptr<const state> & current_state) 
							-> luna::identifier {
								// in case we switching to different graph
								if (current_state and md.color != current_state.get_color()) {
									current_state = nullptr;
								// in case we are going back in time
								if (current_state and md.ts < current_state.get_ts()) {
									current_state = nullptr;
								assert(md.snapshot_hash.has_value() or std::size(md.delta_links) > 0);
								// without current state or any delta use snapshot if present :)
								if ((current_state == nullptr or md.delta_links.empty()) and md.snapshot_hash.has_value()) {
									return luna::identifier{*md.snapshot_hash, luna::type::snapshot};

								// towards current state
								if (current_state) {
									const auto eligible_link = [&](const luna::metadata::delta_link & link) {
										assert(link.ts != current_state->get_ts());
										return link.ts > current_state->get_ts();
									return luna::identifier{
											md.delta_links | ranges::views::filter(eligible_link)
								// towards closest snapshot
								return luna::identifier{
										md.delta_links, std::less{}, &metadata::delta_link::distance_to_snapshot
									).hash, luna::type::delta};

path & objects

						std::vector<luna::any_object>; // this is the way path
						auto get(luna::identifier) -> luna::any_object; // ??

fetch object (asynchronously)

							auto download(identifier id) -> coro::task<std::vector<std::byte>> {
								// download (or throw exception) with curl or some other library :)
								// ... of course asynchronously :)
							// this function models following concept...
							template <typename T, typename Result>
							concept async_fetch = requires(T obj, identifier id) {
								requires std::invocable<T, identifier>;
								{ obj(id) } -> coro::awaitable_of<Result>;
							auto convert_to_object(identifier id, async_fetch<std::vector<std::byte>> auto fetch) 
							-> coro::task<any_object> {
								co_return unwrap_and_validate(co_await fetch(id));

fetch path

							auto fetch_path(std::shared_ptr<const state> current_state, hash_or_name target,
							async_fetch<std::vector<std::byte>> auto && fetch_blob) 
							-> coro::task<std::vector<any_object>> {
								// result path...
								std::vector<any_object> path{};

								// this is not a coroutine, converting fetch_blob into fetch_object 
								// (converting bytes into an object)
								auto fetch_object = [&](luna::identifier id) -> coro::task<any_object> {
									return luna::convert_to_object(id, fetch_blob);

								// if we are asked to update to current state
								if (current_state and current_state->get_hash() == target) {
									co_return {};

								// start with downloading HEAD
								path.emplace_back(co_await fetch_object(convert_to_identifier(target)));

								// and rest of the path will follow (until we joined current state or hit snapshot)
								for (;;) {
									const auto & last = path.back();

									if (const auto * metadata = last.get_metadata()) {
										// if we are in current state, no need to do anything
										if (current_state and metadata->hash == current_state->get_hash()) {
											co_return path;

										// but otherwise decide where to go next...
										path.emplace_back(co_await fetch_object(select_next(*metadata, current_state)));
									} else if (const auto * delta = last.get_delta()) {
										// we are interested only in embed previous metadata, the loop will handle it...

									} else if (last.get_snapshot() != nullptr) {
										co_return path;

statem = staten + path←(n, m)

statem = staten + delta(n, n+1) + ... + delta(m-1, m) + metadatam


							auto update_to(std::atomic<std::shared_ptr<const state>> & current_state, 
							hash_or_name target, async_fetch<std::vector<std::byte>> auto && fetch_blob) 
							-> coro::task<luna::update_result> {
								// and the update...
								const auto old_state = current_state.load();
								const auto new_state = co_await luna::fetch_path(old_state, target, fetch_blob)
									| ranges::views::fold_right(old_state, apply<update_traits>{});
								if (old_state != nullptr and new_state->hash() == old_state->hash()) {
									co_return luna::already_on_latest_version(old_state);

								co_return luna::updated(new_state);

							template <update_traits_for<T> UpdateTraits> struct apply: UpdateTraits {
								using traits = UpdateTraits;
								using sh_state = std::shared_ptr<const state>;
								// dispatch
								auto operator()(const sh_state & previous, const luna::any_object & any) -> sh_state {
									return std::visit([&](const auto & obj) {
										return (*this)(previous, obj);
									}, any);
								// implementation
								auto operator()(const sh_state &, luna::snapshot & snapshot) -> sh_state {
									return std::make_shared<const state>(
										this->traits::deserialize(std::move(snapshot.bytes)), metadata{}
								auto operator()(const sh_state & previous, luna::delta & delta) -> sh_state {
									return std::make_shared<const state>(
										this->traits::apply_patch(*previous->subject, std::move(delta.patch)), metadata{}
								auto operator()(const sh_state & previous, const luna::metadata & md) -> sh_state {
									if (this->traits::calculate_hash(*previous->subject) != md.subject_hash) {
										throw invalid_subject{};
									return std::make_shared<const state>(previous.subject, md);

update traits

							struct example_update_traits {
								// consistency check
								auto calculate_hash(const subject_type &) -> luna::sha256;
								// diff & patch
								auto calculate_difference(const subject_type & lhs, const subject_type & rhs) 
								-> std::vector<std::byte>;
								auto apply_difference(const subject_type & prev, std::span<const std::byte> diff) 
								-> subject_type;
								// IO support
								auto serialize(const subject_type &) -> std::vector<std::byte>;
								auto deserialize(std::span<const std::byte>) -> subject_type;

user-facing API

⚠️ dangling without shared_ptr! ⚠️

user API

							template <typename T, update_traits_for<T> UpdateTraits> class stream {
								using subject = T;
								using update_traits = UpdateTraits;
								std::atomic<std::shared_ptr<const state<T>>> current_state{nullptr};
								// call me whenever you want me to update
								auto update_to(
									hash_or_name target, async_fetch<std::vector<std::byte>> auto && fetch_blob
								) -> coro::task<update_result>;
								// value is the subject
								auto get() const noexcept -> std::shared_ptr<const T> {
									const auto state = current_state.load();
									if (state == nullptr) {
										return nullptr;
									// maybe limit the API and wrap it?
									return state->subject;
								// serialization / deserialization
								auto serialize_current_state() const -> std::vector<std::byte> {
									return serialize_state(current_state.load());
								static auto serialize_state(std::shared_ptr<const state<T>> s)
								-> std::vector<std::byte> {
									if (s == nullptr) {
										throw no_state_available{};
									return byte_concat(*s->metadata.original_bytes, update_traits::serialize(*s->subject));
								static auto deserialize_state(std::optional<std::span<const std::byte>> input) 
								-> std::shared_ptr<const state<T>> {
									if (not input) {
										return nullptr;
									const auto [md_bytes, content] = split_persistent_state(input);
									std::vector<any_object> path{snapshot{content}, unwrap_and_validate(md_bytes)};
									return ranges::fold(
										std::shared_ptr<const state<T>>{nullptr}, 
								// constructors
								stream() = default;
								explicit stream(std::optional<std::span<const std::byte>> persistent_state):
									// otherwise nothing

how is all the code used by a user?

							int main() {
								luna::stream<std::map<std::string, std::string>, map_updater> simple_database{
									load_file_content("config.bin"); // returns std::optional<std::vector<std::byte>>
								auto update = [&]()->std::task<void>{
									const auto res = co_await simple_database.update_to("latest", download_using_curl);
									if (res == luna::updated) {
										save_file_content("config.bin", simple_database.serialize_current_state());
								// initial update at start
								auto periodical_update = scheduler::plan_every(std::chrono::minutes{10}, [&]{
									return update();
								auto do_something_with_the_value = [&]{
									const std::shared_ptr handle = simple_database.get();
									const T & value = *handle;
									// ... your app code
								// ...

the essential part of the user code

							// somewhere in your application:
							auto always_latest_blob = luna::stream<std::vector<std::byte>, bsdiff>;
							// when you need to use it:
							void foo() {
								std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<std::byte>> handle = always_latest_blob.get();
								// ...
"I need to update an object
on 100s of millions of clients
quickly and whenever I want."
"I need to deliver a hash
value (32 bytes) of graph's HEAD
to 100s of millions of clients
quickly and whenever I want."

what I showed you today?

  • how to model an algorithm into a code
  • strong types makes your code easy to reason about
  • programming with modern C++ is still fun

what are the use-cases?

  • distribution of AV signature databases
  • synchronisation of configurations across clusters
  • OTA content updating
  • and many more...

							// let's have a simple virtual file-system...
							using vfs = std::map<std::filesystem::path, std::vector<std::byte>>;

							struct bsdiff {
								using subject_type = std::vector<std::byte>;
								using subject_view = std::span<const std::byte>
								auto calculate_hash(subject_view content) -> luna::sha256 {
									return crypto::hasher<luna::sha256>::calculate(content);
								auto calculate_difference(subject_view lhs, subject_view rhs) 
								-> std::vector<std::byte> {
									return bsdiff_into_vector(lhs, rhs);
								auto apply_difference(subject_view prev, std::span<const std::byte> diff) 
								-> subject_type {
									return bspatch_into_vector(prev, diff);
								auto serialize(subject_view content) -> std::vector<std::byte> {
									return content | ranges::to<std::vector<std::byte>>;
								auto deserialize(std::span<const std::byte> blob) -> subject_type {
									return blob | ranges::to<subject_type>

							// and update_traits to support it...
							struct vfs_traits {
								using subject = vfs;
								using subject_hash = luna::sha256;
								// algorithm for hash calculation of the subject
								auto calculate_hash(const subject & vfs) const -> subject_hash {
									crypto::hasher<subject_hash> hash{};
									for (const auto & [name, content]: vfs) {
									// it's just a hash of hashes
									return hash.final();
								// delta support 
								auto calculate_difference(const subject & lhs, const subject & rhs) const 
								-> std::vector<std::byte> {
									luna::vfs_patch result;
									for (auto && change: luna::difference_range(lhs, rhs)) {
										if (change.is_addition()) {
											result.add_addition(change.key, change.value);
										} else if (change.is_removal()) {
										} else { 
											  bsdiff::calculate_difference(change.previous_value, change.value));
									return bzip::compress(wire::serialize(result));
								auto apply_difference(const subject & old, std::span<const std::byte> patch) const 
								-> subject {
									const auto changes = wire::deserialize<luna::vfs_patch>(bzip::decompress(patch));
									if (not changes.has_value()) {
										throw invalid_patch{};
									subject result = auto(old);
									for (const auto & change: changes) {
										if (change.is_addition()) {
											result.insert(change.key(), change.value());
										} else if (change.is_removal()) {
										} else if (change.is_update()) {
											if (auto it = result.find(change.key()); it != result.end()) {
												it->second = bsdiff::apply_difference(it->second, change.diff());
											} else {
												throw expected_key_is_missing{};
										} else {
											throw broken_diff{}
									return result;
								// subject processing (serialize/deserialize)
								auto serialize(const subject & vfs) const -> std::vector<std::byte> {
									return bzip::compress(wire::serialize(vfs));
								auto deserialize(std::span<const std::byte> archive) const -> subject {
									return wire::deserialize<luna::vfs>(bzip::decompress(archive));

							// And we got a simple VCS... :)
							using simple_git = luna::stream<vfs, vfs_traits>;

Lightning Updates